Tuesday, 20 July 2010

I may have shortcomings but I’m not infertile

Admittedly, there are a few things conspiring against me in the quest for my ultimate goal of pregnancydom (this is my latest made-up word – see previous blog for ‘feetal’).

These few factors are, in no particular order:

1. My age (38). I know many people would at this point throw stats at me about how many people over the age of 40 are having babies these days. Of course I find that encouraging and I try to cast my thoughts in that direction at my lowest points. But still, biologically and physiologically speaking, we’re not talking buckets of time.

2. My poor excuse for a period, which is both light and short (one and a half days in case you’re wondering, and I can just about justify using a ’normal’ tampax at the heaviest point).

3. My relatively short luteal phase (the bit between ovulation and menstruation). This should be around 14 days but mine tends to be around 10-11 days.

4. The ‘irregularity’ on my uterus wall (see previous blogs).

So, I may well have a few shortcomings but I am not, as far as I’ve been told by the medical experts, infertile. ‘Infertility’ seems to have become the accepted word when talking about anyone trying to get pregnant. It seems to be everywhere I look at the moment. Obviously, I am looking in relevant places bearing in mind my current interest in this topic but most websites, blogs, articles and tweets seem to constantly refer to it.

Maybe it’s because there’s no other reasonable option (first glance at a thesaurus for synonyms throws up sterility, barrenness, aridity...). But I think it’s inaccurate to place women, who are trying to conceive and who have every reason and right to believe it will happen one day, in the infertility category.

As I seem to have developed a new habit of making up words, I should really think of a new one for this very situation... umm.... inconceivability... unpregnancy....

I’ll keep thinking.

Any suggestions?

Until next time.


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